We stand and breath rhythmically into each of our 7 Chakra’s, working up and down three times before sitting in silence.

2 stages standing then sitting set to amazing music

The first stage Standing feet hips or shoulders wide apart. Body loose and relaxed. Eyes closed, mouth open, breathe deeply (roughly in and out in one second) into the first chakra. Even out and in breaths. Focused on your first Chakra, your pelvic region. The music changes we move up to the second and so on. As we climb higher the breaths become more rapid and gentle as we are harmonising with the nature of each energy centre. Allow your body to move freely, shake, stretch, allow your joints to become spring like but stay in one spot, rooted. Keep your awareness with the 7 chakras rather than the moving or breathing. These become automatic and are all cued and led by the music. We work up and down three times.

The Final stage - Meditation, we sit with closed eyes in silence, focusing on nothing in particular allowing for whatever is happening within, resting in awareness.

Man is a rainbow because a rainbow will give you the total perspective in which a man can be understood-from the lowest to the highest. Osho

Working with our chakra system is just an awesome way of breaking down our human energetic experience. In this very powerful meditation, unlike its more peaceful sibling; ‘chakra sounds’, while keeping our feet planted and rooted, we allow our breath to animate and our bodies to move and really explore our energy system.



We work in a three dimensional way, up and down the body, clearing, cleaning, coming to know who we are, where we are in our process here and what we are working within our lives.



We tend to only share this meditation after a certain amount of cathartic meditations or as part of a workshop or long practising group. 

"Man has to pass though all the seven chakras, seven chakras towards the divine" Osho

A Little On the Chakra System

A Little On The Chakra System

To put it very simply: if the heart is the distribution system for our blood, our endocrine system our hormones, then our chakras are our distribution system for our consciousness.

Self realisation can be seen energetically as an open unhindered channel. We are opening, coming to know, resetting and then resting within this open channel.

The space and feeling of divine connection is so palpable in this meditation.

To put it very simply: if the heart is the distribution system for our blood, our endocrine system our hormones then our chakra’s are our distribution system for our consciousness.

Self realisation can be seen energetically as an open unhindered channel. We are opening, coming to know, resetting and then resting with in this open channel.

The space and feeling of divine connection is so palpable in this meditation.