It’s highly unlikely you’ve done anything like these before. We bring the sacred East to your door. Each one of these techniques is an artform in itself, and has different stages set to music that open us in very special and uniques ways. Something you have to experience for yourself. Something that will remain with you throughout your life. These are very magical moments full of the divine. We’re here to make life better, to free you from anything weighing you down. We offer amazing, fun, easy and expressive, active and still meditations that set you free and your day, week, year, relationship, job, project, problem on fire!

A Sioux creation story says that long ago the Creator gathered all of Creation and said,”I want to hide something from the humans until  they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality.”

The eagle said, “Give it to me, I will take it to the moon.”

The Creator said, “No. One day they will go there and find it”

The salmon said,  “I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean.”

 “No. They will go there too”

The buffalo said,  “I will bury it on the Great Plains.”

The Creator said, “They will cut into the skin of the Earth and find it even there.”

Grandmother Mole, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said, “Put it inside of them.”

And the Creator said, “It is done.”

A Sioux creation story says that long ago the Creator gathered all of Creation and said,”I want to hide something from the humans until  they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality.”

The eagle said, “Give it to me, I will take it to the moon.”

The Creator said, “No. One day they will go there and find it”

The salmon said,  “I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean.”

 “No. They will go there too”

The buffalo said,  “I will bury it on the Great Plains.”

The Creator said, “They will cut into the skin of the Earth and find it even there”

Grandmother Mole, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical eyse but sees with spiritual eyes, said, “Put it inside of them”

And the Creator said, “It is done


Look at your happiest moments and you’ll find they are all moments of totality of complete engagement with the moment your are in, that is absence of mind. Our minds are a wonderful thing, we have landed on the moon, cured and killed many, yet most of our suffering is because of our minds. In Dynamic Meditation we come to know that fortunately we are not our minds and freedom from ourselves is the gold dust we seek. And is always available to us.


In order to be healthy, happy and free we need to be organised in every aspect of our being, mind, body and soul. At dynamic meditation we work towards a radiant healthy body, by moving, dancing, expressing and allowing all we are to be. Re finding our wildness of spirit and naturalness where our form feels like home. We are not here to transcend the body but to fully celebrate the art of being.


We meditate because there is a timeless part of us that is not the mind. We have been taught as children from the very first moment that we have needs that were not always met, that we are separate from the whole and to create an identity of our own. At Dynamic Meditation we break down this identity because what protected you once, is now the very thing getting in the way of everything you want, because your truest hearts desire is the full expression of who you are and you are not the mind! Meditation is Bliss. Your nature is blissful. You have a well-spring within you whenever you wish…just go in and get out of the way. It really is that simple. 






Look at your happiest moments and you’ll find they are all moments of totality of complete engagement with the moment your are in, that is absence of mind. Our minds are a wonderful thing. We have landed on the moon, cured and killed many yet most of our suffering is because of our minds. In Dynamic Meditation we come to know that fortunately we are not our minds and freedom from ourselves is the gold dust we seek. And is always available to us.



In order to be healthy, happy and free, we need to be organised in every aspect of our being, mind, body and soul. At dynamic meditation we work towards a radiant, healthy body, by moving, dancing, expressing and allowing all we are to be. Re finding our wildness of spirit and naturalness where our form feels like home. We are not here to transcend the body but to fully celebrate the art of being.



We meditate because there is a timeless part of us that is not the mind. We have been taught as children from the very first moment that we have needs that were not always met, that we are separate from the whole and to create an identity of our own. At Dynamic Meditation, we break down this identity because what protected you once, is now the very thing getting in the way of everything you want, because your truest hearts desire is the full expression of who you are and you are not the mind! Meditation is Bliss, your nature is blissful. You have a well-spring within you whenever you wish...just go in and get out of the way. It really is that simple. 

Be Yourself

Being is so significant that it is irreplaceable. You are just yourself. Do something that comes out of you—not to assert, but to express! Sing your song, dance your dance, rejoice in being whatever nature has chosen you to be. ~Osho

Walk Your Path

Be Your Master

Unique & Foolish

These will help you live your best, beyond your wildest dreams more than anything else I have found on this planet



A bit like Kundalini and Kriya Yoga, in Dynamic Meditation we are using carefully designed techniques to open, restore and rejuvenate the bodymindsoul. A kriya is a moving asana or yoga posture or a collection of them, often with breathing and mudras and mantras or vocal sounds attached to enhance the affect. In Dynamic Meditation we have set stages that are combined together to produce a certain response. Just as the Kriyas in Yoga. In our case we are preparing the ground for meditation and bliss to happen. We seek the experience of ourselves as the divine now, not when a posture is mastered or a discipline conquered. We have everything we need within us right now to lead the enriched lives we long for. Why wait?

A bit like Kundalini and Kriya Yoga in Dynamic Meditation we are using carefully designed techniques to open, restore and rejuvenate the bodymindsoul. A kriya is a moving asana or yoga posture, or a collection of them often with breathing, mudras and mantras or vocal sounds attached to enhance the affect. In Dynamic Meditation we have set stages that are combined together to produce a certain response. Just as the Kriyas in Yoga. In our case we are preparing the ground for meditation and bliss to happen. We seek the experience of ourselves as the divine now, not when a posture is mastered or a discipline conquered. We have everything we need within us right now to lead the enriched lives we long for. Why wait?

Active and expressive meditations to open and wake us up


    Probably one of the most powerful and transformational meditations. Fast, furious and active, yet still joyful and sublime, it really does do all these things and more every time. Especially good in the mornings!


    Traditionally done in the early evening to say goodbye to the day and ready for the evening ahead. Fun, fast, cathartic, we awaken and rise our Kundalini before complete surrender to dancing and peace.


    One of the funnest and most natural dynamic meditations. Dancing is a gift from the divine, we lift the roof off using elements from a number of dance disciplines with beautifully banging and inspired music.


    An ancient Tantric technique, bridge the earth to the divine in this cosmic meditation with free movement or 'Latihan', Mudra and Stillness.


    One of the oldest forms of dynamic meditation. We practice all kinds of yoga from Kundalini, Vinyasa and Kriya Yoga to the more traditional 'Ayurvedic', Hatha, Sivananda and Ashtanga Yoga aswell as Chi Kung.


    This active centering meditation, based on ancient Sufi techniques, uses the breath and a series of coordinated body movements, followed by whirling to create the space for peace.

Feminine and still meditations to nurture and deepen


    An ancient Tibetan technique known for its healing qualities. This is another one of our favourites, using sound, humming and hand movements in this profound sitting meditation.


    Originally taught by the Buddha, more have found enlightenment through this meditation than any other.


    This is really a very dangerous meditation! Through gibberish we disconnect the mind from language. You'll be amazed what comes forth. Truly transformational.


    Sitting, kneeling or lying, we use humming and sound to harmonise, balance, open and explore our chakra system. We love this meditation. It's a brilliant spring board into a whole lot more.


    In this very powerful meditation, synchronised to music, we open and explore the chakra system using our breath.


    Music and meditation are the same-melting into the dimensionless. These are two doors to approach the same phenomenon.