Transform Your Trauma Transform Your life!

Transform Your Trauma Transform Your life!

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Mind science, Universal Law, The New Thought Movement and Subconscious Reprogramming have put the cherry on the cake for me and brought all other modalities together. I found while enjoying all my trainings that big steps were jumping over, hell even realising, my limiting beliefs and that these shifts in the way I was thinking and showing up in my life, weren’t just points of interest they were the difference between a few runs and knocking the ball clean out the park. 

So I joined Tony Robbins and others to learn about this relatively new thing: Life Coaching. I trained and am a certified Life Coach. But then I still felt there was more, now aware that my identity is everything and reality literally follows whatever I conceive myself to be on an unconscious  level, I was led to a break through moment for me which was discovering THE E4 TRAUMA METHOD. 

This was such a  breakthrough  because in all the Life Coaching trainings and retreats, there wasn’t really the space for serious trauma, the likes of which I have, alot of us have and I have been in deep study ever since. As soon as I met this method I knew I had to study and share it with you all. I am now  officially certified in the E4 Trauma Method. It has totally changed my life.

I have never been clearer, closer to my purpose and more in touch with myself in my life and it’s been an amazing life. Let me help you too. Whatever it is. Be it abuse, addiction, co-dependence or just a feeling you want more. We can find all the things holding you back, release all your trauma, restore your connection to your power, get everything moving again in the way deep down you know is right for you. Life is not the enemy, we are. That is the truth. 

Take responsibility. 

Take action NOW.

Mind science, Universal Law, The New Thought Movement and Subconscious Reprogramming have put the cherry on the cake for me and brought all other modalities together. I found while enjoying all my trainings that big steps were jumping over, hell even realising, my limiting beliefs and that these shifts in the way I was thinking and showing up in my life, weren’t just points of interest they were the difference between a few runs and knocking the ball clean out the park. 

So I joined Tony Robbins and others to learn about this relatively new thing: Life Coaching. I trained and am a certified Life Coach. But then I still felt there was more, now aware that my identity is everything and reality literally follows whatever I conceive myself to be on an unconscious  level, I was led to a break through moment for me which was discovering THE E4 TRAUMA METHOD. 

This was such a  breakthrough  because in all the Life Coaching trainings and retreats, there wasn’t really the space for serious trauma, the likes of which I have, alot of us have and I have been in deep study ever since. As soon as I met this method I knew I had to study and share it with you all. I am now ready to start heavily discounted pro bono rates until I am officially certified in the E4 Trauma Method some day soon. So grab yourself a bargain while you still can!

I have never been clearer, closer to my purpose and more in touch with myself in my life and it’s been an amazing life. Let me help you too. Whatever it is. Be it abuse, addiction, co-dependence or just a feeling you want more. We can find all the things holding you back, release all your trauma, restore your connection to your power, get everything moving again in the way deep down you know is right for you. Life is not the enemy, we are. That is the truth. 

Take responsibility. 

Take action NOW.

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Sign up to our news letter, come to our events, join our community. Bless you.